“Calling creatives, writers, and aspiring poets from the Old Pueblo and beyond!
The Downtown Tucson Partnership together with the University of Arizona Poetry Center are proud to announce the 1stannual Old Pueblo Poems literary competition. Twenty winning haiku poems will be featured on signage located along Congress Street in Downtown Tucson. These decorative signs will provide visual and cultural interest throughout the Spring season, beginning March 21st.
What is a Haiku…
… a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five.
Learn more about how to write a Haiku here.
Haiku entries will be judged by Tucson’s Poet Laureate, TC Tolbert.
This year’s theme will be “Life in the City.”
Only one entry per person, with a maximum of three haiku allowed. Submissions will be accepted through February 25th. All winners will receive a $25 Downtown Gift Card and have their work featured on public signage, online and in the media. Winners will be announced on Downtown Tucson Partnership’s social media (@downtowntucson) and by email to all entrants. “
My entries
Don’t mess with Tucson!
Stalwart yet tender, She will
Shout, “Welcome to all!”
Fresh gasps of delight,
A stroll down Fourth Avenue
Will brighten each day.
Good luck Diana and thanks for sharing your haiku entries. Winners should be announced shortly.