Japanese Americans in Hawaii panel discussion on Nov. 3rd


6:15 – 8:00 PM
Himmel Park Library, 1035 N. Treat Ave. Tucson
sponsored by SAJCC

Retired East Asian Professor Dr. Min Yanagihashi has written a paper on this topic and will be moderating a panel discussion.  Free and open to the public.

  “Questions for the panel: 1) In your family, how were traditional culture and values and behavioral norms handled?  (2) In regards to Japanese heritage, looking outside the family, comment on some events, activities, institutions, or organizations that impacted your life in Hawaii.”

Tentative schedule:
6:15 – 6:45  (30 min.)  comments on his paper on this topic (click on blue hyperlink) written by ret. Professor Dr. Min Yanagihashi (Nisei from Oahu)
6:45 – 7:45  (60 min.)  panel discussion.  After the two questions, panelists can comment on Min’s paper, ask questions of each other, etc.

Panelists will all be Japanese Americans born/raised in Hawaii: Min’s wife Evelyn Kodama Yanagihashi, M.Ed (Nisei han from Oahu), Carolyn Sugiyama Classen, JD (Sansei from Big Island), Dr. Naomi Okumura Story (Sansei from Maui), James Tokishi, B.S.(Yonsei from Oahu).  Evelyn is a retired school teacher, Naomi is an educator, and James is a transporation modeler for Pima Assn. of Governments. And I’m a former practicing attorney.

(Issei were the original immigrants from Japan, Nisei are their children, Sansei are the Nisei’s children, Yonsei are the Sansei’s children, Gosei are the Yonsei’s children, and so on.)

Poster designed by Crystal Akazawa.



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