Japanese Social Month continues in April, at Snow Peas Modern Asian Kitchen

Japanese Social Month at Snow Peas Modern Asian Kitchen restaurant in month of April, 2016


 日にち 4月の毎週金曜日

Date      Every Friday Night in April

時間 午後4時から午後8時まで

Time   From 4PM to 8PM

内容 毎週、グループのタイトルを決めています。同じ、立場や境遇などを持った人たちが出会い、共通の悩みや自慢などをわかちあえたらいいなと考えています。もちろん、グループに属さない皆さんも多いに参加してくれて歓迎です。

DETAIL In every week we made group title. I hope people who has same hobby , same job, same situation and same…..can meet at there then talk about your experience etc. Of course everyone come any days.

食事 Snow Peas Restaurant Menu

Menu: urbanspoon.com



As adding on,  TONKOTSU RAMEN and GYOZA SET or COLD RAMEN and GYOZA set will be served as $10.00

Snow Peas sell soft drinks, but if you would like special drink which you want to drink with your food you can bring with you.

住所 Snow Peas Modern Asian Kitchen

1402 S. Craycroft  RD Tucson AZ 86711

連絡先 片山ゆかり

katayama-y@msn.com  CONTACT Yukari Katayama

April 8th  Friday  The Researchers, Students, Employees Day

Please discuss about various job experiences with each other.

4月 15日金曜日 NEWママ、シニアーの日


April 15th Friday For New Mama and Senior day

Expecting mama and you just have a new baby, mama can come and talk and spent time with mama who has same situations. And welcome to Senior people who want to talk with others.

4月22日金曜日 レイディーズナイトの日


April 22nd  Friday Ladies night out day

After work and after your house job, please enjoy your time with your friends with couple of your special drinks.

4月29日金曜日 父親会の日


April 29th Friday Fathers day

Not often to have this kind of group activities but this time we would like to invite all fathers.

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