Karate Workshop at UA Modern Languages Building on March 19, 26 and April 2

“We are excited to announce a Karate Workshop led by a Japanese student, Tsukino Fujishima, with a black belt! 

This is a great opportunity to learn the fundamentals of karate, improve your skills, and have fun in a supportive environment.

Beginners are more than welcome!

⭐︎Workshop Dates (3 Sessions, Step-by-Step Progression)

March 19 – Introduction to Karate & Basic Kata

• March 26 -Basic Kata +

• April 2  – Basic Kata ++

⭐︎Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

⭐︎Location: Modern Language 350 Stage University of Arizona

ーLimited Spots! Only 10 participants per session!

ー🦶 Practice will be barefoot!

ーEach session has unique content, so feel free to join one or all sessions!

Sign up here or my bio linktree :


Spots will fill up, so sign up soon! We look forward to seeing you!”

Carolyn’s note: UA Modern Language Building is located at 1423 E. University Blvd.

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