May 3 (Tuesday), 2022
In-person/hybrid event
*Participants in the in-person event are expected to be free of Covid symptoms and masks and social distancing are recommended.
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm (Arizona Time)
Location: Rubel Room, Poetry Center, College of Humanities,
Address: 1508 E Helen St, Tucson, AZ 85719
Livestreaming of the lecture will start at 4:30pm through the link at https://humanities.arizona.edu/live
This event will be held in conjunction with Dr. Jiang Wu’s Lecture on Yinyuan/Ingen. Please click here for more information.
A Tea Ceremony Performance Precedes the Lecture and a Reception Follows
The year 2022 marks the 350th death anniversary of Zen Master Yinyuan Longqi (隱元隆琦 1592-1673, Ingen Ryūki in Japanese). The anniversary of an eminent master’s death is an important occasion for commemoration in much of the Buddhist world. We are pleased to announce that the Center for Buddhist Studies, College of Humanities at the University of Arizona is organizing a series of commemorative events which will run for one year beginning May 3, 2022. These events will present and explore the extraordinary life of Zen Master Yinyuan and the great achievements of the Huangbo 黃檗 tradition (known as the Ōbaku school in Japan) of Zen Buddhism that he pioneered in China and Japan. These events highlight the intersection between religion, art, and culture in China and Japan and will be presented in both online and offline formats. Activities will include an online exhibition of works of art related to the Ōbaku tradition, academic lectures, musical performances, and tea-related events.
You are cordially invited to attend our launching ceremony and the inaugural lecture on Master Yinyuan and his Ōbaku tradition by Prof. Jiang Wu on May 3, 2022. The online art exhibition True Image: Celebrating the Legacy of Yinyuan Longqi (Ingen Ryūki) and the Art of Ōbaku will also be launched on this occasion. Special events also include a tea ceremony performance and reception. These events will be conducted in hybrid format (both in-person and livestreaming).
Please register and indicate if you are able to join us in person and your food preference for the reception. To register, you can update your preferences if you are already on our email list and select the group “Ōbaku Ingen Events.” If you are not on our email list, please sign up for it by clicking http://eepurl.com/gb2yaD and select the group “Ōbaku Ingen Events.” To indicate your preference for attendance and food, please fill out the survey at https://us7.list-manage.com/survey?u=7c7d1e191c40f1f36fc1af10d&id=3453d10ca0. Further details and updates about future events will be emailed to you. Participants in the in-person event are expected to be free of Covid symptoms and masks and social distancing are recommended.