More manga, anime, comics, cosplay, gaming, prizes, and art & writing workshops than you can imagine! PCC Downtown is at 1255 N. Stone Ave. (north of Speedway Blvd.)
Happening all day:
- Cosplay – Show off your costume or make your own. Then take your picture at the drawing wall!!
- Video gaming – Open play with Injustice, Super Smash Brothers, and other favorites!!
- Tabletop gaming – Open play with classics and new favorites.
- Walk down the red carpet and watch That’s My Take videos made by local teen film stars.
- Go home with sugoi J-Pop giveaways from Freegal.
- DC vs. Marvel giant chess – Avengers assemble! Justice League unite! Play giant chess as your favorite superhero team.
- Giant Angry Birds – Shoot life-sized irate fowl at porcine piglets.
- Blast your creativity into the future with Tech Toys! Program Sumo Wrestler robots, learn stop-motion animation, play with Makey Makeys and more! Drop in for a ninja-quick demo and leave with samurai-level skills!
- Kids! – Deck out your superhero secret identity and make your own masks and capes!!
Catch it while you can:
- Magic: The Gathering Card tournament with A2Z Games – Planeswalkers, ready your decks! Conjure dragons and fling fireballs in a single-elimination tournament to prove who is the best wizard in the entire multiverse. This tournament is open to players of all skill levels. Sign up starts at 2:00.
- Travel to the stars with Anime Astronomy from Portable Planetariums!! Crawl into an inflatable planetarium and see how the stars and constellations align with your favorite anime and manga characters! The 20-minute shows start every half-hour beginning at 2:30. Seating is limited, so make sure you make it on time. No late entry!
- 2:00-3:30 Make an impression on the world–learn how to carve your own stamps!
- 3:30-5:45 Create your own amazing folded books with origami artist Mary Ellen Palmeri!
- 4:30 Cosplay Contest – Sign up starts at 4:15 and cosplay death match is at 4:30. Fabulous prizes await the victors. Certain death awaits everyone else.
Author & Artists workshops
Are you a creative type? Find yourself doodling or writing a story? Experts are on hand to help you get your ideas on the page.
- 2:30-3:15 DRAGONS AND FAIRIES AND WITCHES, OH MY! Learn more about some of the Southwest’s favorite fantasy authors:
- Jeff Mariotte – Author of more than 50 novels and 150 comic books, Jeff has written and edited for companies such as Marvel, DC, IDW and WildStorm.
- Marsheila Rockwell – Marsheila has written three Dungeons and Dragons-based novels and is currently working on a new independent novel with writing partner Jeff Mariotte.
- Janni Lee Simner – Janni is the author of the well-loved Bones of Faerie Trilogy as well as Thief Eyes. She has also published over 30 short stories for kids, teens and adults.
- Tobias Wade – After graduating from the University of Arizona in 2012, Tobias directed his full attention to writing. The First Man is his first published novel, preceded in publication by several short stories and a coauthored neuroscience paper.
- 3:30-4:15 WORKSHOP: Inking with Adam – Adam Yeater – Adam is the artist and self-publisher of the ongoing underground comic book called One Last Day. He is also known for his highly detailed pen and ink drawings as well as his large paintings of “cute monsters.”
- 4:30–5:15 WORKSHOP: Write Like A Pro – Aprilynne Pike – Aprilynne is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the series Wings. Learn about Aprilynne’s creative process, her networking style, and how she became one of today’s most popular young adult authors!
- WORKSHOP: Dancing Spiderman: Drawing comics outside the gender box – Anastasia Matiatos – Anastasia Matiatos is a University of Arizona honors student who wanted to draw Spiderman a little differently. Join us as she talks about male and female drawings in comics, explores the motivation behind it, and teaches us how to draw outside the box!
Creative Cosplay
Are you looking for a way to enter the cosplay world? Look no further! Learn from your seasoned cosplay enthusiast about how to get started portraying your favorite characters no matter your budget.
- 2:30-3:15 Cosplay on a Budget: Wanna dress up like your favorite character, but don’t have the cash? Learn how to make fandom possible on a budget!
- 3:30-4:15 Breaking into Cosplay: How do you make those crazy armor plates all the cools kids are wearing these days? What’s the best online wig retailer? All these mysteries and MORE solved here!
- 4:30-5:30 501st Makeup and Wigs: Learn how to do makeup and wig styling for any character you wish to transform into. Get tips from award-winning cosplayers!
Japan Live!
Nihon ga sugoi! Do you love Japan? Go on beyond manga and get a peek behind the scenes at the real land of the rising sun.
- 2:30–3:15 Cute Food with Chef Mario: Learn a little bit about the culture behind bento boxes and techniques for creative food like rice flowers. See just how easy it is to make kawaii foodstuff!
- 3:30–4:15 Kanji Tattoos: Take a step into our (temporary) tattoo parlor and learn some authentic, fun, book-related Kanji so you don’t end up with a tattoo that says “toilet” on your forearm someday!
- 4:30–5:15 Learn Origami: Impress your friends with paper swans and paper frogs and other things that are folded and paper-y with a lesson in this age old Japanese art form.
- Erika Johnston – Erika is a writer and illustrator from Tucson, Arizona. She likes astronomy, pie, cats, and ghosts… and stamp-carving… and sea monsters, though deep water makes her very nervous.
Don’t forget to:
- Visit the Bookmans booth! Don’t miss their manga and comic exchange, where you can swap and trade for a new series. While you’re there, check out the 1317 Club just for teens, and enter the free raffle to win a prize!!
- Get your hair did to add the perfect touch to your costume or just for fun. Amethyst Room South
- Onaka ga suita! Indulge your taste buds with free Japanese snacks and American-style pizza.
- Stop by the Bookbike for fun giveaway surprises!
- Visit the R-Galaxy booth and pick up some of your favorite manga!