Sumi-e drawing class on August 16 at Tucson Johrei Center

sumi-e painting by artist Joy Mills

sumi-e painting by artist Joy Mills


Join local Tucson artist Joy Mills at the Johrei Fellowship Tucson Center on August 16, 1:30 to 4 p.m. at 3919 E. River Rd. for a beginning sumi-e brush painting class. Teacher Joy Mills provides tools and materials for $30, and discounts the class to $25 for those who bring their own. Registration deadline is August 13.

Contact Karey to register at, 520-403-4408. Deadline to register is August 13.

“Monthly session in artful mindfulness meditation with ink, brush and paper: priceless!”  Joy has been teaching a monthly sumi-e painting class at the Johrei center, and recently had a exhibition of her lovely sumi-e art at the Ravenscroft Gallery at the St. Francis in the Foothills United Methodist Church:

A thirty-year veteran art teacher, Joy has taught at Pima College, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, The Drawing Studio, The Chinese Cultural Center and Joh Rei Fellowship. Her artwork has been recognized with a number of prestigious national awards.

2 thoughts on “Sumi-e drawing class on August 16 at Tucson Johrei Center

    • Check our Upcoming Events page for Spring sumi-e drawing classes. Sorry if I have been remiss in posting, but Joy hasn’t sent me any info recently.

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