Tucson Japanese Meet Up Group to meet on May 17

Description: TUCSON JAPANESE MEET UP: “We are having a party to promote friendship and interaction within our Tucson community. It’s also an excellent opportunity for anyone who is interested in Japanese culture. Let’s enjoy socializing with the people working in different disciplines. Everyone is welcome including newcomers to Tucson.”
Date : Sunday,May 17 Time: 11:00am-1:00pm
Location : Takamatsu restaurant (http://takatucson.net/index.html),
5632 E.Speedway Blvd., Tucson AZ 85712-4926
(Between Craycroft Rd. and Wilmot Rd.,one block east of Craycroft on Speedway)
Fee of lunch buffet: $9.95 (10 years old and over) $5.95(6years old -9) $3.95 (3years old-5) $1.95 (2 years and under). Please order drink or dessert individually if you want. Please give the fee (including tax and tip) to Yukari on site (only accepting cash).
Please send us the names of all participants prior to May15.
Organizers: Yukihiro Ibuki — yibukijp@yahoo.co.jp, (cell: 520-907-1934) or Yukari Katayama  — katayama-y@msn.com. Please feel free to ask any questions to us. 

4 thoughts on “Tucson Japanese Meet Up Group to meet on May 17

  1. My wife and I have a longstanding interest in Japanese arts, culture, and history. We have traveled to Japan 3 times. We would like to get involved with your organization. Would you please let us know when meetings or get togethers resume?

    Thank you,

    Arthur Schwartz

    • Sorry to be so late in responding, didn’t receive this message till recently. Just keep checking our SAJCC website for information on our events, esp. our Calendar and Upcoming events. The Japanese Meet up groups are occasional, organized by Yuki Ibuki and Yukari Katayama. I will send them your email address.

  2. Dear SAJCC Representative,

    I plan to move to Tucson with my mother who is 85 years old, very outgoing and active. Can you tell me if there are any women around her age who are involved with your group? My mother is Japanese and would be especially happy to hear if she could meet other Japanese people.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    • Yes, check out the Tucson Origami Club FB page. They welcome all ages and just recently lost a 90 year old member. They meet on 1st Saturdays every month at Dao’s Tai Pan restaurant. See our SAJCC Calendar listing. Also check our calendar for future Japanese Meet up group events.

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